3/7/25 Baseball game against Clarendon has been canceled
25 days ago, Heather Fulmer
Softball games 3/6 is canceled. Friday 3/7 will be in Stuttgart.
23 days ago, Heather Fulmer
The HHS Baseball game scheduled for March 4th (Tuesday)at home vs Rose Budd has been changed to March 3rd (Monday) at home. Games will start at 5pm. There will be a JV game after the varsity game ends.
about 1 month ago, Heather Fulmer
The Hazen School District will remain closed Friday, February 21st. Although there have been improvements to the road conditions in Hazen, there are still areas that could cause potential travel problems, for staff, students, parents and bus drivers.
about 1 month ago, Administrator
Spring 2025 Softball and Baseball Schedules
about 1 month ago, Heather Fulmer
Spring 2025 Softball and Baseball Schedules (as of 2/13/25)
Spring 2025 Softball and Baseball Schedules (as of 2/13/25)
Sr High District Bracket Basketball 2024-2025
about 1 month ago, Heather Fulmer
Updated Sr High Basketball  District 2024-2025
Due to the current road conditions the Hazen School District will be closed today.
over 55 years ago, Administrator
Updated Basketball Schedule for January
over 55 years ago, Administrator
Basketball Schedule
📣 Parent/PTO Meeting Announcement Hazen High School will hold a Parent/PTO meeting on Wednesday, January 15th, at 5:45 PM in the high school library. We’ll discuss our school fundraiser, which supports various activities for our staff and students. Over the past two years, this fundraiser has allowed us to cover the cost for a student and two guests to attend the HHS Honor Banquet. We’re aiming to continue this tradition again this year, and we’d love your support! Hope to see you there! 💜
over 55 years ago, Administrator
PTO Meeting
Report Cards will be sent home with students today.
over 55 years ago, Administrator
Report Card
The safety of our staff and students is a top priority. Therefore, the Hazen School District will be dismissing at 1:00 PM tomorrow. Updates due to the weather or dismissal timing will be provided through our call system and social media. A decision regarding Friday will be determined at a later time.
over 55 years ago, Administrator
Inclement Weather Update The forecast predicts the possibility of snow beginning Thursday and continuing into Friday. In the event of school closure or an early dismissal the Hazen School District will use our call notification system to share updates and post the latest information on our social media pages and website. As of now, we plan to be in school tomorrow. Please consider having a plan in place in the event of an early dismissal. Stay safe, and thank you for your understanding.
over 55 years ago, Administrator
The game on Jan 9, 2025 at Baptist Prep has been canceled. The basketball game scheduled for Friday, Jan 10, 2025, has been moved to Jan 23, 2025
over 55 years ago, Heather Fulmer
Check out our December Newsletter with all the updates for the next two weeks. https://secure.smore.com/n/e7vhq
over 55 years ago, Administrator
December Newsletter logo
Tickets for the game Friday must be purchased online. Football playoffs tickets are hosted through GoFan, the digital ticketing provider of the AAA. The link will be accessible on GoFan.co by searching your school’s name. https://gofan.co/event/2227172?schoolId=AR18628
over 55 years ago, Administrator
Playoff Game Info.
School will dismiss at 2:00 today for parent teacher conferences. We are on a short bell schedule. Lunch for high school students begins at 12:05. Conferences will be from 2:30-7:00.
over 55 years ago, Administrator
parent teacher conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday, October 15th, from 2:30-7:00 PM. We will have an early dismissal at 2:00.
over 55 years ago, Administrator
📍 Parade Update: The parade has been rescheduled for 1:00 PM tomorrow due to rain. The same guidelines and procedures will be in place. ⏰ Line-Up Time: Participants will begin lining up at 12:30 PM.
over 55 years ago, Administrator
Homecoming 2024 - Hazen High School We're excited to celebrate Homecoming on Friday, September 27, 2024! The Coronation ceremony will take place in the Hazen High School gym starting at 2:00 PM, followed by the Homecoming Parade through town. Join us for a week filled with activities, fun, and community spirit as we celebrate our students, alumni, and the entire Hazen community. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
6 months ago, Administrator
Parade Route
Purple Parade Route and Guidelines
Checkout our newsletter: https://secure.smore.com/n/vt5dq
over 55 years ago, Administrator